Army Pizza: New Product Can Last Up To Three Years Using Hurdle Technology

In response to the high demand for pizza among soldiers in the U.S. military, researchers created a ready-made pizza that stays fresh for three years, according to the Daily Mail. Typically, pizza's short shelf life makes it less than ideal for military rations, but by simply preventing bacteria formation, the researchers successfully created a product that can effectively be provided to the military.

"It's a fully assembled and baked piece of pizza in one package," Lauren Oleksyk, a food technologist at the U.S. Army's Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, told Tech Insider.

The product is set to release in 2017, and Oleksyk claims the product tastes similar to "day after pizza."

Over time, pizza's tomato sauce, cheese and dough accumulate moisture, which in turn creates a breeding ground for mold and disease-causing bacteria. The team prevented this process using Hurdle Technology, which eliminates or controls the pathogens in food, effectively extending its shelf life and keeping it safe for consumption. Furthermore, the technology also controls acidity, oxygen and water content, and ensures the proper layering of ingredients.

"The only difference is in the sauce," said Oleksyk. "We control the pH so it's a little more acidic."

The pizza underwent numerous tests that gathered data on its color, texture and baseline data to ensure that it would last. Afterwards, they placed it in a chamber at 100 degrees for six months to simulate storage for three years at 80 degrees. Since then, some soldiers have tested the final product and feedback has been positive so far.

All of the pizzas will come with heaters that activate when they are mixed with water so soldiers have the choice of warming the pizza up or simply eating it cold, according to Fox News.

Pizza, Army, U.S., United States, Military, U.s. military, Cheese, Bacteria, Mold, Disease, Diseases, Oxygen, Water, Color, Data, Cold, Hot, Food