'Star Wars' Video Games: EA Will Not Replicate Lucasfilm's Blockbusters Into Next-Gen Gaming Titles WHY?

Electronic Arts scored big when they landed a ten-year deal with Lucasfilm to create "Star Wars" game titles, but do not expect the game developers to replicate stories you've seen on the big screen.

During the UBS Global Technology Conference on Nov. 19, EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen explained the vision his company has for the future "Star Wars" games, Variety reported.

"We've done movie games over the years and we wanted to make sure that we weren't doing a movie game, i.e., game based on the movie," Jorgensen told conference attendees. "The beauty of the 'Star Wars' franchise is that it's so broad and so deep, you don't have to do a movie game, you can do a game that's very focused on the world that's been created around 'Star Wars.'"

"We struck what we believe is a fantastic deal which allows us to be able to build games in many different genres across multiple types of platforms over ten years and we'll leverage the strength of the Disney marketing associated with the 'Star Wars' properties both in movies and other things that they may do over the timeframe," he added.

With the upcoming "Star Wars Episode 7" in the works, EA has an opportunity to rejuvenate the "Star Wars" gaming title series. According to Variety, past game developing studios have tried to piggyback on the success of "Star Wars" films being released around the same time of the game. However, the films' hype wasn't enough to make "Star Wars' game a consistent financial success.

According to Variety, DICE, Visceral Games and BioWare are currently developing the first next-gen console title "Star Wars: Battlefront," set to launch in 2015, possibly coinciding with the Dec. 18, 2015 release date of "Star Wars: Episode 7."

What kind of "Star Wars" game would you like to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.