Kiss And Makeup: Instagram Campaign Uses Lipstick To Powerfully End Cyberbullying (PHOTOS)

If you've been scrolling through Instagram this Valentine's Day weekend and seen photos of women with lipstick kiss stains on the back of their hands, you probably didn't realize just how powerful these images really are. In fact, these simple yet beautiful photos are so meaningful, they could help end cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying effects over 3.2 million students each year, and 88 percent of teens witness cyberbullying every single day, which is why Tarte Cosmetics and ByStander Revolution have teamed up to create the #KissAndMakeup campaign to bring awareness to cyberbullying, according to Cosmopolitan. ByStander Revolution is an organization that's committed to take the power out of bullying, and with this social media campaign, they hope they can make Instagram a more positive and friendlier place.

"Cyber-bullying is all too common on social media. 88 percent of teens witness cyberbullying every day. We want to use our social platforms to encourage our fans to spread positivity rather than judge someone's appearance, which is why this initiative is so important to us," Tarte Cosmetics CEO and founder Maureen Kelly said in a press release. "If we can make an impact through kind words and simple compliments, the Internet would be a much more beautiful place."

The #KissAndMakeup campaign is simple, yet effective, and it works like this: Tag a person you'd like to share a positive message with, write out your kind message in the caption section and then post a selfie with your kissed hand over your mouth. Tag @tartecosmetics and @bystanderrevolution to spread the word and hashtag #KissAndMakeup and #AntiCyberBullying.

Cyberbullying, Instagram, Valentine's Day