Russia Acting Like 'Terrorist Organization,' Says Turkey PM (BREAKING)

As the Syrian conflict seems to be on the brink of reaching its climax, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has berated Russia on its current military strategies in the Middle East, even going so far as stating that Russia is acting like a "terrorist organization," according to Israel National News.

"If Russia continues behaving like a terrorist organisation and forcing civilians to flee, we will deliver an extremely decisive response," the Turkish PM said through a translator while on a visit to Kiev.

Davutoglu has centered on Russia's military operations in Syria, which have been controversial as of late due to suspicions that Russia's military has been initiating attacks that end up killing civilians.

Though Russia has been very firm in denying that no such attacks are taking place, many of the countries involved in the fight against the Islamic State have stated their reservations about Russia's strategy, reports The Associated Press through Yahoo! News.

In the Turkish PM's tirade, he bundled Russia together with extremist groups such as the coalition's main adversary in the Middle East, the Islamic State.

"Barbaric attacks on civilians are continuing in Syria and these attacks are being waged by both Russia and terrorist groups. Russia and other terrorist organisations, first and foremost, the Islamist State in Syria, are responsible for numerous crimes against humanity," he said, according to The Telegraph.

Tensions between Turkey and Russia are at an all-time high, as Turkey points an accusing finger at Russia for backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's administration and Russia seethes over a fatal shooting incident in previous months which involved a Russian fighter being shot down by Turkish jets.

Turkey, Russia, Syria, Air strikes, Attacks, ISIS, Islamic State