Xbox One Exclusives News And Rumors: More Xbox One Exclusives To Be Released For The PC?

Microsoft touched a lot of raw nerves when it announced that its highly anticipated Xbox One exclusive game, "Quantum Break," would also be available for the PC. What really managed to get fans riled up, however, was the fact that the PC version was going to be released on the very same day the Xbox One title was set to come out, according to Lazy Gamer News.

After all, the game was marketed as an Xbox exclusive title, and when something is announced to be exclusive, fans would really expect the game to be exclusive. However, Microsoft might not be done, as more Xbox exclusive titles might be coming to the PC in the near future as well.

Rumors have circulated that that several huge games, such as "Forza Motorsport 6," "Gears of War 4" and "Scalebound," are set to be released for the PC as well. Also, "Forza Horizon 3," an upcoming game and yet another title that was expected to be an Xbox exclusive, would instead be released for both the gaming console and the PC, reports Game Zone.

Of course, such rumors might have quite a lot of substance to them. After all, Microsoft is currently on the move to make its Windows 10 platform more attractive for users. Since the PC releases of the Xbox exclusive games are, notably, also exclusive on Windows 10 devices as well, the transfer of popular titles to the PC platform makes a lot of sense.

Apart from this, cross-platform games do have their allure as well, at least with convenience. Take "Quantum Break," for example. Since the game is available for both PC and Xbox One, users would be able to use shared saves, which means that gamers can shift from one platform to the next without missing a beat, reports Tweak Town.

Microsoft, Xbox One, PC, Windows 10, Platform, Video Games, Gaming, Gamers