Parkinson's: GyroGlove Reduces Tremors For Patients

New technology in the form of a glove has been helping reduce tremors for those suffering with Parkinson's disease. The "GyroGlove" has been able to reduce tremors up to 80 percent, according to the GyroGear company website. It works by harnessing the power of gyroscopes, spinning discs that work to stay upright. Thus, they counter any attempt to change their position.

Joon Faii Ong, who is studying medicine at Imperial College London, designed the glove. The glove allows deliberate movement by can counter fine tremors, Joon told Tech Insider.

"We truly never thought this would have such an impact on individuals," Joon told Tech Insider. "Critically, the potential of the device and the feedback is what drives the entire team. We are fully committed to this, and more importantly, to restoring quality of life and independence to as many individuals as best we can."

The company hopes to launch in the United Kingdom before September, and the device will cost between $550 and $850, according to MIT Technology review.

Ong's company, GyroGear, was in the finals of OneStart, the world's largest biotech business competition, in 2014.

Around 60,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with Parkinson's disease, according to Parkinson's Disease Foundation. The foundation estimates 7 to 10 million people worldwide live with the disease.

Parkinson's disease, Parkinsons, Imperial College London