Facebook Files Suit Against Spammer for Promising Fake Selena Gomez , Justin Bieber Sex Tapes

Facebook is suing an alleged spammer, who has been posting fake celebrity porn links on the social media site.

Facebook has filed legal action against the New Jersey based spammer, Christopher Peter Tarquini, who was posting fake links of an alleged sex tape of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, reports BBC.

People who clicked on the links were redirected to a website owned by Tarquini. The hits generated on Tarquini's site fetched him money in return. Also the embedded mechanism on the links shared the posts with the users' friends.

Facebook zeroed in on Tarquini while the company was tracking down the abrupt rise in junk messages on the social media site.

According to the complaint filed by Facebook, Tarquini, or the "recidivist", as called by Facebook, had been spamming for the past five years. A recent link posted by him had obscene images of the famous pop-star Selena Gomez with Justin Bieber and redirecting users to his site with promises of sex tapes of the two celebrities.

Tarquini has also been accused of deceiving users into giving up their account details and then spamming the account, reveals a recent post on DigitalTrends. The company had sent prior warnings to Tarquini, prohibiting him from abusing the accounts but he persisted and his account was shut down and legal action initiated.

Facebook has a recorded confession from Tarquini stating the charges against him are true. The company now wants to redeem the money from Tarquini invested in tracking him down and spent on clearing up the chaos created by him in the social media site.

The California-based social media giant has battled out such cases earlier. In September, the company won a $3 million suit against a company accused of sending tons of spam messages to Facebook users.

Facebook, Sex, Links, Videos, Selena, Justin, Fake