Donald Trump Polling Behind Ted Cruz

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll has Donald Trump falling behind Ted Cruz nationally in the GOP race. In the poll, Cruz has 28 percent of the Republican primary voters while Trump has 26 percent. Marco Rubio stands at 17 percent, John Kasich at 11 percent, Ben Carson at 10 percent and Jeb Bush at just 4 percent.

Last month, Trump polled at 33 percent while Cruz was at 20 percent.

However, a poll from CBS News found Trump still holding the lead on the national level. The survey showed that 35 percent of Republican primary voters want Trump to lead the party. Cruz polled at 18 percent while Rubio had 12 percent and Kasich had 11 percent. Carson was at 6 percent and Bush had 4 percent.

Trump responded to the NBC/WSJ poll by claiming it was a "fix."

"Something's wrong because every single poll that has come out nationally and locally we're doing fantastically well," Trump told Breitbart.

Donald Trump, 2016 presidential election, Presidential election, Ted Cruz, NBC News, Republicans, CBS News