THeMIS Tank Changes Shape To Suit Military Mission (VIDEO)

A new tank designed by Milrem has the ability to change its shape, depending on the mission. Named the Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS), the tank will be able to carry more than 1,500 pounds and can be operated by remote control, The Daily Mail reports.

The vehicle is basically a platform with tank tracks that can be used to carry a variety of equipment, including a machine gun. It can be prepped for combat, engineering, reconnaissance or search and rescue, Engadget reports. There is also a covered storage space near the wheels. The vehicle will assist the military by working in places were it is unsafe for personnel to be, the company website said. In the video the vehicle travels over steep and bumpy terrain.

"Unmanned systems will play a significant role in the development of military capabilities in future," Milrem CEO Kuldar Väärsi said in a statement.

The unmanned ground vehicle has enough power for eight hours and can travel at speeds of up to 31 mph, The Daily Mail reports. It is about two feet tall, weighs 1,500 pounds and is about 8 by 6 feet.

The project, which was unveiled at the Singapore Airshow Wednesday, has received funding from the Estonian Ministry of Defence.

Military, Tank, Army