Smoking Kills Cats? Second-Hand Smoke Can Kill Kitties, Study Says (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

The internet is run by cats. Fact. But the masters of the Internet did allow some Twitter time to be taken for Kanye, Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar and Taylor Swift the night of the Grammys. Then, the cats had enough. In 30-seconds, cats had reclaimed the internet and righted wrongs by horses and camels who said it was cool to smoke with this ad that claims cancer kills cats which will, in turn, lead to a world with no cat videos. *shudder*

The video makes claims like, "Cats are twice as likely to get cancer if their owner smokes." Is Catmageddon upon us? Will cats and cat videos go the way of the dodo bird? Perhaps not, but it is a pretty clever way to get a conversation going.

If you think you're ready to quit or are looking to get teen smoking down from 7 percent to zero, check out The Truth, funded by The Truth Initiative, according to the nonprofit's website. The Truth Initiative "is national public health organization created in 1999 as a result of the The Master Settlement Agreement."

So, if you aren't ready to quit yet and are part of the one-fifth of pet owners who smoke, consider doing it for them...

...and the proliferation of adorable cat videos for generations to come.

Smoking, Cancer, Cats, Pets, Health, Science, Advertising, Public health, Dogs, Lung cancer, University of Illinois, Animals, Cigarette, Cigarettes, Life & style, Tobacco