Sea Rise Rate Fastest In Almost 3,000 Years

A new study is claiming that due to human-influenced climate change, the sea rise rate is now faster than its been in about 2,800 years, according to Mashable. It is the first major report of its kind documenting the correlation between climate change and rising global water levels.

"The 20th century rise was extraordinary in the context of the last three millennia - and the rise over the last two decades has been even faster," said the study's main author Robert Kopp.

Using data from geological sea-level indicators they were able to compile a database with findings from sites all over the world, according to USA Today. The dangers are real and present, with tidal flooding an all too real occurrence in places like San Diego, Miami Beach and Charleston, just to name a few.

"There have been previous studies of former sea levels, but we were the first group to produce continuous global record of former sea levels," said coauthor Ben Horton. "We have sites from the northern and southern hemisphere and we include proxy records from salt marsh, mangroves, corals, biological indicators and archaeology."

The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Sea level rise, Global Warming, Climate change, Study