
Jameis Winston Case: Attorney Concerned Rape Allegations Will Hurt FSU QB’s Heisman Chances, Wants Decision Expedited

The attorney for Florida State star Jameis Winston believes the sexual assault allegations against his client will hurt the quarterback's chances of winning the Heisman Trophy and wants a quick resolution from the state attorney.

State Attorney Willie Meggs has said he doesn't expect to render a decision for at least two weeks as to whether to charge Winston. With the college football season winding down, Winston's attorney, Timothy Jansen, isn't happy with Meggs' timetable and wants a quicker decision.

"We expressed our concerns that the delay would affect Mr. Winston's reputation, voters in the Heisman and Florida State's ability to go to the national championship game," Jansen said of his meeting on Wednesday with Meggs, according to ESPN. "We're hoping this cloud can be lifted sooner rather than later. ...

"I think everybody just wants to get this resolved. Fans, law enforcement, Mr. Meggs. Everybody wants to get this resolved and make a decision and go from there."

Winston's 3,163 yards and 35 total touchdowns have helped FSU to an 11-0 record and make him the frontrunner for the Heisman.

If a decision to charge Winston doesn't come before two weeks, the voting for the Heisman and the BCS polls would likely be affected. The Heisman deadline is on Dec. 9 at 5p.m. ET, and the BCS bowl matchup is finalized on Dec. 8, according to ESPN.

For Jansen, the "most difficult thing" about the case is the timing of the Heisman and BCS bowl voting.

"That is the most difficult thing in this case," said Jansen. "If it was somebody else, and it wasn't the scenario we have with the Heisman Trophy and the national championship - but that's something I have to consider and something I'm constantly taking into account."

Winston is accused of sexually assaulting a woman on Dec. 7, 2012. The investigation conducted by the Tallahassee Police Department has come under scrutiny; TMZ has gone as far as suggesting the department tried to cover up the crime.

While Jansen contends the sex was consensual, the attorney for the alleged victim called the incident "rape" and also questioned the police department's investigation.

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