
Samsung Developing Iris Scanning For Its Next Generation Galaxy Devices?

Going by rumors the Samsung Galaxy S 5 will be released alongside the next Galaxy Gear by 2014. Meanwhile, the South Korean tech giant is developing some new hardware features that we might get to see on these next generation Galaxy devices.

Samsung working with eye technology is nothing new but reports hint that the company is working on iris scanning, according to a recent post on the Wall Street Journal. However, no official confirmation has been made.

Samsung has used eye movements in Galaxy devices to control brightness and to scroll through the web pages. A recent patent filed with U.S. authorities by the company reveals that it is planning to use the technology for eye scanning and authentication.

There are no details revealed in the filed documents. But tech blogs speculate that the technology will be superior to fingerprint or retina scanning. Samsung may use this technology for multiple devices in the coming days.

"The iris has unique patterns whose number is larger than that of the being evaluated as a biometric identification technology more advanced than a fingerprint or retina scanning technology," reads the filing document, raised by Samsung.

Iris scanning is also much costlier compared to finger print or retina scanning. This may hinder its wider acceptance also there is another problem with the technology - some retinas may contain melanin pigments, which obstruct scanning. But a recent post on androidauthority says that Samsung is looking into cost effective technology, which will combine a light emitting device with a proximity sensor suitable for all kinds of iris.

Iris scanning is quicker and safer, unlike retina scanning, which can be affected by the scan.

Technology never stands still, after wearable gadgets it is now time for Google's electronic tattoo and HTC 's finger print recognition.

Samsung, Developing, Iris, Scanning, Galaxy, Device, Retina, Eye, Galaxy S5, Technology, Hardware, Feature
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