Moscow: Nanny Decapitates Child, Screams 'I Am A Terrorist'

A woman working as a nanny was arrested in the Russian capital of Moscow after she was allegedly found carrying the severed head of a child, according to BBC News. The graphic incident was caught on camera Monday, showing the woman, dressed in a hijab, carrying the head in her hands. The child was between 3 and 4 years old.

It is believed that the woman killed the child in the home where she worked for its parents as a nanny before setting fire to the apartment and setting out with the child's head. The video shows her holding the head outside the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in northwest Moscow and shouting "I am a terrorist, I want your death," before launching into a rant criticizing democracy and predicting the end of the world, according to Reuters.

"According to preliminary information, the child's nanny, a citizen of one of the Central Asian states born in 1977, waited for the parents and elder child to leave the flat and then, for reasons not established, murdered the infant, set fire to the flat and left the scene," Moscow's Investigative Committee reported in a statement, according to Newsweek. "Given the clearly deranged behavior of the detainee, investigators swiftly ordered her to undergo psychiatric tests to establish whether she is capable of understanding the significance of her actions."

The woman also threatened to blow herself up during the incident, although there was no evidence that she was carrying any explosives. Moscow has been a frequent target for terrorist attacks and many onlookers were concerned that they were witnessing such an act.

"I was on my way to the metro station from home," reporter Polina Nikolskaya told Reuters. "She was standing near the metro entrance and caught my attention because she was screaming 'Allahu Akbar.' I saw that she had a bloodied head in her arms, but I thought it was not real. People in the crowd said it was real."

Moscow, Russia, Terrorism, Terrorist, Children, Islam