A company has created a swimsuit bottom that might just be a huge help for ladies having their periods. It comes with a special feature that stops period leaks, especially when you're in the water, so that you can enjoy your beach times better.
As spring break ushers in, many millennials are expected to spend their week vacationing by the pool or beach. However, having fun in the water is challenging when you have your monthly period. Pads are out of the question because this gets wet or displaced under tiny bathing suits. The stickers on the pads lose their adhesiveness when wet. Even if you're wearing tampons or menstrual cups, you might still experience an embarrassing or uncomfortable episode.
Enter Panty Prop, a specially-designed swimwear bottom for women to wear in the water when they're having their period. This bathing suit is designed with a section for putting sanitary pads discreetly and securely. It also comes with an absorbent lining for extra protection for tampon and cup wearers. The bottoms come in various prints and colors, and they're selling at $35-$37.
A photo posted by PantyProp}For Humans Who Leak (@pantyprop) on Feb 27, 2016 at 9:41am PST
"The mere fact of having a natural body function should be embraced and not condemned on any day of our life," said Crystal Etienne, CEO and founder of the company. "So our swimwear and undergarment line adapts to our body, instead of our bodies adapting to a particular time."
Although the bottoms come in one standard size, it has a stretchable fabric that can snuggly fit sizes two to 12. There are no tops to go with the bottoms, so you can wear your preferred tank or bikini top.
"The entire line was inspired out of the basic need to be able to just live life and feel free no matter what time of the month it is, and not having to worry about being embarrassed from a leak or stain ever in life again," Etienne said.
There's no reason to miss the fun at the beach when you're on your period. Lots of girls do this, but they do take extra care with what they wear in the water, experts note.