Amazon Cyber Monday Sale: New Offers Every 10 Minutes On Popular Brands

Amazon announced new offers that will entice customers to make purchases again on December 2, popularly dubbed as Cyber Monday, following a long weekend sale of Thanksgiving and Black Friday together.

Amazon will give the joy of shopping all over again, but this time it can be done in the luxury of your armchair while you snoop through the digital store for best deals. The e-commerce giant gave a sneak peek into what buyers can expect for the traditional Cyber Monday sale, which officially kicks off Sunday midnight.

Cyber Monday is a traditional festive sale extension that immediately follows the Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend. Various retailers offer enticing deals, mainly on tech products on this day. Amazon announced Friday that its Cyber Monday Deals Store will bring attractive deals as often as every 10 minutes. This gives every reason for online shoppers to be glued to their monitors.

"We plan so many Cyber Monday deals that Cyber Monday isn't just a day to us--it's a whole week," Amazon said in a news release. "For Cyber Monday 2013, we'll kick off a week's worth of Cyber Monday deals right after Black Friday week, just in time for you to get back to work after Thanksgiving--and shop online. We'll have Cyber Monday sales and deals all day, every day that week, including Cyber Monday, of course, right after Thanksgiving weekend. If you love a good deal, you won't want to miss Cyber Monday 2013 at Amazon!"

The online retail giant gave a list of products that will be on sale throughout the week beginning Dec. 1. The discounts can go up as much as 50 percent on select top toys, and 55 percent off on a Dyson multi-floor vacuum cleaner. Amazon will also bring best deals on automotives with up to 70 percent off on select car floor mats,, 40 percent off on select car care products, fashion accessories, baby products, sports and outdoor utilities. Shoppers can also take advantage of the great deals on books, movies, music, and of course, electronic products including LED TVs, laptops, DSLR cameras and more.

Watch out this space for more Cyber Monday deals starting Sunday midnight.

Amazon, Cyber, Monday, Sale, New, Offers, 10, Popular