Castle Season 6: The 3XK Killer is Re-Introduced and "Caskett" is Still Up in the Air: Review of Season So Far

In Castle's sixth season we've seen the return of Beckett to the NYPD, Castle to his daughter's good graces and-possibly-the 3XK Killer. Let's review:


I've enjoyed watching the relationship between Castle and Beckett grow. They've had their usual hilarious moments such as their attempt at babysitting a three-month-old and Beckett's request to move Lioness. Episode 9 of this season was probably one of the series best. The way the writers created Kelly Neiman's plan and linked her to 3XK was enjoyable. Having Esposito and Lanie find their own bodies kept you wondering which look alike was going to show up next. Ryan's subplot has also been fun to watch. He's is very adamant about becoming the perfect father. Last episode I'm sure many fans were rooting for the baby to just let Ryan hold him at least once.


Now that the FBI arc is complete, I've had a chance to look back at it. It seemed that Beckett's stint with the bureau served no other purpose than to create questions within Castle and Beckett's engagement. It was no surprise that it ultimately had to end with Beckett's abrupt firing. I wonder if it could have been written better. My other issue with this seasons was with the Castle and Alexis fight. It seemed as if she was mad at her dad for no reason. Yes, she explained she took issue with the way she found out about Beckett's engagement. However, did anyone else feel the reason for Alexis' behavior was quite annoying?

"Castle" airs Mondays at 10/9c on ABC.

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