Florida Woman Attacked by Bear While Walking Dog, Officials On the Hunt to Trap Mammal

A woman walking her dog in Seminole County, Fla. on Monday night was attacked by a bear, and now, officials are on the hunt for the mammal.

The Longwood woman didn't sustain life-threatening injuries, and was treated at Orlando Regional Medical Center for her wounds shortly after. None of her pet dogs were hurt, the Daily Mail reported.

The incident occurred just after 8 p.m. on English Ivy Court, according to the Bradenton Herald.

Seminole County Fire and Rescue Lieutenant Alisa Keyes told the Daily Mail that the woman, whose identity has not yet been publicized, managed to escape the mauling by a hair.

"She was out walking her dogs. The bear attacked her," she described. "She got away and ran to a neighbor's house. The bear ran off and they were unable to locate him."

Biologists were sent to the scene to inspect for foot prints and set a trap. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission representative Karen Parker said that bears will sometimes travel into residential regions to feed off scraps.

"It's fall and the bears are trying to fatten up," Parker told the Mail. "Our big message is remove attractants from your yard."

Bear complaints have more than doubled in Florida over the past five years - according to a report picked up by the Orlando Sentinel, recorded issues involving the state's largest native land mammal rose to 6,189 in 2012.

Black bears are protected in the southern state, where feeding, purposely shooting and killing the mammal is illegal.