2 Inviduals Boast About Recording the Private McConnell Meetings; Democratic Party Frowns on Tactics

A Democratic official from Kentucky said Thursday that two men have admitted to taping Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's Campaign meetings, according to Fox News.

Jacob Conway told Fox News that two leaders from the group "Progress Kentucky" said that they had recorded the meeting from outside in the hallway. Conway, who is a member of the Jefferson County Democratic Party, said the recording could have easily gotten with an iPhone and was not "Nixon bugging."

"I don't know why they were at the grand opening of his campaign office. ... They overheard the conversation going on," Conway said. "To me it was an extremely tacky conversation ... but it was a private conversation nonetheless."

While Conway did not say exactly that the two eavesdroppers, Curtis Morrison and Shawn Reily, gave the taping to Mother Jones magazine, he said following the chain of events is not difficult.

"They told me they were there. They told me they were in the hallway," Conway. "They have a recording. So you know, you can draw your own conclusions."

Conway admitted that he offered up the information in what he believes is the best interest of the Democratic Party. Brad Woodhouse, spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said the party shares Conway's sentiment.

"We would never condone anything like this -- a secret taping. We would never condone it," he said. "Our reaction is that we would like the investigation to take its course."

The FBI is currently investigating the situation and, according to one law enforcement official, there are "people of interest."

The scandal broke yesterday after liberal magazine Mother Jones released recordings of meetings between McConnell and his campaign staff. The senator is up for re-election in fall of 2014. In the recording he gives warning to any challengers. However, he and his team also make fun of prominent, potential candidate, actress Ashley Judd.

In the recordings they poke fun at many aspects of her life including her mental health:

"She's clearly, this sounds extreme, but she is emotionally unbalanced. I mean it's been documented. Jesse can go in chapter and verse from her autobiography about, you know, she's suffered some suicidal tendencies. She was hospitalized for 42 days when she had a mental breakdown in the '90s."

In another part of the recording the campaign team ridicules her view on the Christian faith:

"She is critical...of traditional Christianity. She sort of views it as sort of a vestige of patriarchy. She says Christianity gives a God like a man, presented and discussed exclusively with male imagery, which legitimizes and seals male power, the intention to dominate even if that intention is nowhere visible."

Jesse Benton, McConnell's campaign manager, said there was a camera outside in the lobby of the building where the meeting was taking place. In order to get to the meeting on the second floor, the person or persons would have to pass the camera.

"They certainly were not authorized to be there, if they were indeed there," Benton said.

Progress Kentucky declined comment.

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