Ozzy Osbourne Turns 65, Wants Only Charitable Donations For His Birthday

Today is the 65th birthday of heavy metal superstar Ozzy Osbourne, former frontman of Black Sabbath, and it seems that all the prince of darkness wants from his fans is for them to donate money to Britain's Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

"I'm using my bday (tomorrow) to raise money for @royalmarsden! Give a gift and donate to help cancer patients here," the musician and former reality TV star wrote on his personal Twitter account.

Healing is in Osbourne's family history as he himself struggled with substance abuse. In addition his wife Sharon has had to deal with cancer and their son Jack was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after placing third on "Dancing With The Stars."

You may remember the family from their popular reality show back in 2002 called "The Osbournes." Despite being one of the most popular shows on TV between its premier and its end in 2005, both Ozzy and Sharon have admitted that exposing their family to the public like that was a mistake in hindsight.

"The kids couldn't handle it, my wife couldn't handle it: She had colon cancer," he told the Quietus. "On the one hand it was phenomenal, on the other hand I had to watch my family [suffer]."

He added, "Would we do it again? I don't know. I don't think so."

"We both worked to continue a lifestyle we had become accustomed to and we had to travel so my kids spent quite a time away from us and you can never get that time back," Sharon admitted while on the U.K.'s Graham Norton Show recently. "It was the biggest mistake I ever did, but would I have wanted to live a lesser life? You make the most of what you have. I don't know how, but Jack and Kelly came out just great."

To give Ozzy his birthday wish and donate to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, you can do so by clicking HERE.