University of New Haven Suspected Gunman Arrested After Police Received Reports of a Person on Campus Wielding a Rifle

A suspected gunman was arrested on Tuesday, after University of New Haven officials received reports that a man was near the campus wielding what looked like a rifle.

When word of the shooter came in, on-campus security and faculty urged students and staff to stay indoors. Police officers were sent to the West Haven school as well, the Associated Press reported. Law enforcement were still searching buildings Tuesday afternoon, and the school grounds remained on lockdown while the campus' north and south areas were deemed clear.

18-year-old freshman Kyle Gelinas told AP that he caught a glimpse of a handcuffed man being detained by officials across the street from his dorm.

"He's just sitting on the railing," Gelinas said. "They're just talking to him like a casual conversation. Everything is very calm."

Some public schools in the area also issued orders for students and staff to stay inside. No further information has been released at this time.

This isn't the first shooting scare to hit a Connecticut university in the last 30 days - in fact, it's the third.

Central Connecticut State University was put on lockdown on Nov. 4, after a man was seen walking around campus in a mask, carrying what appeared to be a gun or sword. Student David Kyem was later arrested, but said he was simply wearing a ninja-esque Halloween costume in celebration of the recent holiday.

Yale University was locked down after an anonymous person called local law enforcement and said someone was planning to perform a shooting at the school last week. It later turned out to be a hoax, AP reported.