Alabama Woman Shot and Killed Over Football Game

An Alabama woman was charged by police Monday after fatally shooting another Alabama woman for comments she made about Iron Bowl's losing team.

According to police, 28-year-old Adrian Laroze Briskey shot 36-year-old Michelle Shepherd around 7.p.m. Saturday at the Riverchase apartment complex not far from Birmingham, reported. Shepherd was pronounced dead on the scene.

The two women allegedly got into an argument at a viewing party for the Iron Bowl, a football game between college rival teams Auburn University and the University of Alabama. Police said the argument was instigated when Shepard said she did not care that Crimson Tide lost to the Auburn Tigers.

The argument began inside the apartment complex, but then turned physical when the two women ended up outside in the parking lot, police told reporters. When both women were on the ground, Briskey pulled out a small caliber gun and shot Shepherd in the side, chest and stomach, reported.

Neketa Shepherd, Michelle's sister, present during the shooting. Neketa applied pressure to sister's wounds as she held her in her arms.

"My sister took her last breath in my arms," Neketa told "I heard her take her last breath and I knew she was gone."

Neketa said Briskey misinterpreted what her sister said about Alabama's loss. Michelle, who was a fan of Crimson Tide, joked that Alabama's loss was not as bad as the Miami Heat's loss during game four of the 2011 NBA finals, the Daily Mail reported. Neketa also said, contrary to police reports, her sister and Briskey never spoke.

"My sister never touched her, and she never touched my sister. They never had words," Neketa told

Michelle, who was a social worker, left behind three children - two boys ages 9 and 7, and a 4-year-old girl.