Cyber Monday Deals Click Record-Breaking Sales With More Online Shoppers On Mobile

Cyber Monday is generally the busiest e-commerce day of the year. This year online shopping usage showed a 17.5 percent rise compared to 2012 and the mobile devices accounted for more than 29 percent of the online traffic, according to a recent report from IBM Benchmark.

"Consumers really seem to like the ease of shopping on the go. They have been browsing with their smartphones and buying with their tablet devices," said Jay Henderson, strategy director of IBM, reports moneynews.

Americans are increasingly opting for online shopping, especially the mobile users. The consumers are more comfortable shopping from their smartphones or tablets as they are user friendly and also save time.

"I haven't shopped for a Christmas present in a store in three years," said Brandon Harris, a shopaholic from Memphis, U.S., who spent more than $300 on Cyber Monday deals using his iPad, reports NBC news. "It's a lot more convenient to be at home and shop."

Also Cyber Monday means attractive deals. Buyers eagerly await the month of November to avail of all the wonderful offers that start in this Thanksgiving month.

"The consumers have become immune to Cyber Monday and Cyber Week," said Brian Sozzi, the principal analyst at Belus Capital management, in a statement. "They just want the discounts continually once the calendar hits November."

The National Retail Federation, a trade group association, had forecast 131 millions online shoppers this year, an increase of 2 percent from last year. In fact comScore, the market research firm also predicted Cyber Monday sales of $2 billion up from $1.47 billion last year.

According to Joel Anderson, the CEO of Walmart, more than half the traffic on Thanksgiving and Black Friday deals is generated from mobile users and Cyber Monday deals follow the same path. "2013 is the year online went mobile," Anderson said in a statement.

The growing e-commerce comes with an associated burden for the retailers as most of the online shoppers look for free shipment that adversely affects the profit margin of the vendors.

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