African Sahara Desert Experiencing Catastrophic Wildlife Decline

The African Sahara Desert have always projected an intimidating wildlife image especially in documentaries but what the world needs to turn its attention to is the rapid decline of Saharan fauna.

Lack of security and unsustainable hunting practices are being blamed as the major causes of wildlife decline in the Sahara. Researchers believe that this could have been prevented if authorities had given the deserts the same attention given to tropical forests.

The extent of the appalling wildlife decline is enormous. In a recent article by the National Geographic, about 14 native animal species in the Sahara have lost at least 90 percent of their original population range.

The Addax, who previously wandered over the Sahara in large numbers now only have a population of about 200, with Niger's Termit and Tin-Toumma National Nature Reserve as one of its remaining sanctuaries. It is unfortunate that some have entirely disappeared without much information. The bubal hartebeest, African wild dog and the lion have vanished entirely. Other species such as the Saharan cheetah, dama gazelle and slender-horned and Cuvier's gazelles are also gravely endangered.

There are two programs which have the same objectives focused on the desert- the United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification, and the Decade for Biodiversity. Both share the same main objective which is to protect the biodiversity of deserts and preserve it for the benefit of the world.

It's true that most conservation efforts have largely been focused on preservation of endangered species from tropical forests, and this is understandable. What the world has missed is that there is much to benefit from the rich biodiversity behind the vast and seemingly harsh environment of these deserts: the adaptation and survival of species in these challenging deserts could actually provide important insights that we can use in our own adaptive efforts amidst climate changes.

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