Google's Chrome Music Lab Helps You Become A Music Composer

If you are into musical instruments and their apps, then you will find a perfect companion in Chrome Music Lab, an offering so simple to use that it is almost addictive, as it lets you experiment with and explore sounds, rhythms and different melodies.

Music in U.S. public schools is losing steam, so Google decided to give it the push it deserves. Chrome Music Lab is the answer to Music in Our Schools Month, as the app will allow anyone with a steady Internet connection to explore how music works.

"You can play with sound, rhythm, melody, and more," Alex Chen, coder and ukulele enthusiast, wrote in a blog post, boosting people to use their smartphones or other mobile devices to invent or reinvent music.

The website features 12 interactive programs that uses interesting animations, vivid colors and abstract art to depict chords, strings and harmonics. This is the result of a partnership between musicians and coders that gave birth to inbuilt experiments developed with Web Audio API.

If you want to build new projects, Google also gives access to open-source code, and users can find more information about this on the website.

"Exploring music can help spark curiosity in all kinds of ways," Chen said. "We hope these experiments inspire you-whether they give you a new perspective on music, make you curious about math and science, or even make you think of new ways to teach or code."

The first Music in Our Schools Celebration was held in 1973 by The National Association of Music Education. Since then, it has become an annual tradition when communities, students and educators come together to encourage the benefits of music education.

Chrome Music Lab keeps it simple by providing different music experiences, from basic to advanced levels. The Music Lab was put together by Google because the company "wanted to make learning music a bit more accessible." This is why you can toy around with different kinds of music on your browser without the need for downloading an extension or an add-on. You don't need any kind of professional knowledge about the instrument to use this website. Simply go onto the website and poke around for fun.

Google, Chrome, Music, Public schools, Education