Burn Those Bras: 15 Year Study Says Bras Make Breasts Sag Over Time

A new 15-year French study reveals that bras do little to reduce back pain and, they can actually make breasts sag more over time.

French researcher, Jean-Denis Rouillon has claimed that bras 'are not needed', and might actually be doing women's figures more harm than good. The study found that after a year, the breasts of bra wearers sag an average of 7mm more than breasts that are not confined in bras.

Rouillon's research concluded that a bra could 'prevent supporting tissues from growing', and that breasts might be less likely to sag without one.

All women who were part of the research were told not to wear a bra for varying lengths of time, between a few months and several years. During this time Professor Rouillon, a sports scientist, took regular bust measurements using callipers and a slide rule.

"Medically, physiologically, anatomically - breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity," he said. Rouillon suggested that breasts become "dependent" on lingerie support once women start wearing it, meaning that supporting muscle is underused and degrades more quickly.

"The first results validate the hypothesis that the bra is not needed. Medically, physiologically, anatomically, the breast does not benefit from being deprived of gravity."

He added that he believed the 'absence of a bra could keep breasts in shape' and prevent back ache.

Rouillon explained, "The decision not to a wear a bra appeals to women in terms of comfort and aesthetics. Contrary to popular belief, the breast does not fall, but tightens and lifts, and the quality of the skin improves." He added, " About 42% of the women felt discomfort for the first three months of not wearing a bra, but then it disappeared. None were in pain, however, nor were they hampered from doing daily activities - including sport."

According to The Connexion, the study suggests that breasts may even gain more tone and support themselves if no bra was used. Researchers explain that bras limit the growth of supporting breast tissues, leaving the breast to wither and degrade more quickly.

Research, Study
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