When we last left the Jolly Roger, our heroes had a false sense of security as they believed Peter Pan was defeated. However, we know Peter Pan has switched bodies with Henry. Therefore, Henry is in Pan's body which is in Pandora's Box and Pan's in Henry's body free to roam around Storybrooke.
One of the questions I had after Sunday's episode dealt with how long it would take until someone realizes a switcheroo took place. Apparently, someone else had the same questions and TVGuide.com answered it.
According to Jennifer Morrison's quotes about the situation, some motherly intuition may be what saves Henry.
"Emma can tell immediately something is off and tries to justify it because he's been through a lot; he's been traumatized in certain ways," Jennifer Morrison said according to TVGuide.com's Natalie Abrams. "He's been with Pan and the Lost Boys in the forest for so long, so there's a lot of justifying going on basically.
"She's not sure what but she knows something's wrong."
Abrams also reports Henry's storybook may play a huge part in his rescue.
In other "Once Upon a Time" News, Alexandra Metz ("The Good Wife", "Chicago Fire") is on her way to Storybrooke as Rapunzel, according to TVLine.com "The Originals" fans may remember Metz as the witch Katie who tried to kill Marcel but failed. Metz will debut as the long-haired princess in Episode 14. The website reports there is the possibility Metz could make more than one appearance. However, nothing is set in stone.
"Once Upon a Time" airs Sundays at 8/7c on ABC.
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