Forget about cupcakes and pastel color decorations to celebrate the coming of the baby with the mom-to-be. Apparently, dads-to-be are also getting their fair share of baby shower parties and there's even booze to make the celebration more fun.
Since 2015, baby showers for men have been increasing in popularity on Pinterest searches by as much as 149 percent. Many of the ideas shared on the site are centered on theme parties that puts diaper cakes - a baby shower must-have! - along with beer and party food for men on the buffet table. While normally exclusive to the mom, baby showers are also celebrated with both parents present in one party, and searches for "co-ed showers" have also increased on the social sharing site 255 percent.
"It was a good excuse to get all of my friends together before my 'availability' becomes a little more limited," a future dad, Jon, said. Jon and his friends rented a party venue inside a local restaurant for his baby shower party, but they didn't have any party games or gifts like the way a baby shower is traditionally celebrated. "We talked, drank beer and ate food," Jon revealed.
Baby showers for men are also termed as "dadchelor parties," where some of the preparations are more elaborate compared to Jon's party. One of the most popular themes is Poker Night and in some cases, the men arrange to hold the celebration somewhere that forces them to be active, like at a golf course or out hunting. Sometimes, they compete while dressed in silly baby or daddy costumes.
The most important part of the dad baby showers is "guy humor" on the cakes, decorations, gifts and party games. What seems to be common is that the male guests have to go through the diaper-changing competition with the dad-to-be.
"What's cool about dadchelor parties is that men are embracing the concept of fatherhood a lot more actively these day," said Modern Parent's Guide author and parenting expert Scott Steinberg. "We give prospective moms the opportunity to connect, have fun and celebrate the joy of being an impending parent. There's no reason dads shouldn't have the same opportunity."
Check out some men's baby shower ideas in these photos below:
A photo posted by @16pollypocket on Feb 13, 2016 at 10:27pm PST
Keeping with our man showers, beer and babies invitation and diaper raffle. #manshower #dadchelor #beersndbabies #huggiesandchuggies #dadtobe #babyshower #babyshowerinvitations #invitations #youbringthehuggiesweprovidethechuggies #honestdiapers #boddingtons @honest A photo posted by Caitlin & Tomai (@paperheartco) on Feb 8, 2016 at 8:19am PST
A photo posted by Matthew Long (@mthwdlong) on Feb 20, 2016 at 4:07pm PST
Älskar hotellivet... Tack för en grym helg i Göteborg grabbar! #dadchelor #gbg #loulou #lounges #loungesgbg #radissonbluriversidehotel #hotellfrukost #spa #granturismoexpo A photo posted by Jacob S. (@sonarjacob) on Nov 16, 2015 at 11:45am PST
A photo posted by Fun In The Oven ( on Mar 13, 2016 at 10:38am PDT