Boehner Tells Republicans in Congress to Be 'A Little More Sensitive' When Talking About Women's Issues (VIDEO)

House Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday that some GOP Congress members should practice better judgment when making comments concerning women's issues.

During his weekly press conference on Thursday, Boehner also confirmed that members of his party were attending seminars to become more tactful when speaking on such topics as abortion and sexual harassment.

"I try to get them to be a little more sensitive," Boehner told the media, as reported by the Washington Post. "You know, you look around the Congress and there are a lot more females in the Democratic caucus than in the Republican caucus, and some of our members just aren't as sensitive as they ought to be."

When reporters asked if Boehner's party was progressing on the female front, the politician responded, "I do."

The Ohio rep also said that Republican campaign boards should stand with gay and lesbian candidates in the wake of two important House races, going against a senior House Republican who rallied against certain LGBT competitors in the running.

Boehner spoke on these issues shortly after Politico reported that House Republicans were mulling ways to help members speak to female reps and constituents.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is reportedly currently holding workshops with some of the key 2014 Republican frontrunners to teach them how to interact with a woman.

"Let me put it this way," said one of the Republican staffers present for the meeting, who spoke with Politco. "Some of these guys have a lot to learn."

Republican Todd Akin's comment on "legitimate rape" was one of the most viral moments in GOP flub history concerning women's issues.