Pennsylvania Truck Driver Says Sneeze Caused Vehicle Crash, Crews Soak Up Hundreds of Gallons of Spilled Corn Syrup

A Pennsylvania truck driver told state police on Thursday that his vehicle crashed after he let out a sneeze.

52-year-old Billie Setser of Carrollton, Ohio reportedly sneezed, then everything went completely black, according to the Associated Press. The driver then lost control of the truck, which ran off the road, hit a hill, and flipped over onto Interstate 70 near Washington, Pa.

Both sides of the eastbound lanes were blocked, as cars were backed up behind the wreck for about 13 miles. Nearby highway Interstate 79, which shares an interchange near the accident site, was backed up in southbound traffic for nearly eight miles.

The rig was carrying tanks of corn syrup that spilled onto the freeway at around 2 p.m., AP reported. Clean up teams were sent to sop up a few hundred gallons of the sticky stuff, then put it into metal drums for transport.

Crews also laid down anti-skid equipment to prevent cars from skidding on whatever material was leftover from the spill.

Setser was reportedly injured after the crash, but law enforcement officials have not yet specified whether his wounds were serious or not.