Barry Bonds' last home run as a Major League Baseball player came during the 2007 season when the seven-time MVP was wrapping up a 22-year career at the age of 42. Giancarlo Stanton was still three years from debuting with the Florida Marlins.
In the six seasons since Stanton debuted and Bonds became the Marlins' hitting coach, Stanton has hit 181 home runs, which is more than Bond had in his first six seasons. Not to compare Stanton to Bonds, but he is good at hitting home runs much like his hitting coach was - and still is.
Barry Bonds just beat the Marlins players on a back field HR BP contest. Including Stanton.
— Craig Mish (@CraigMish) March 16, 2016
I can report that Bonds seemed "happy" he won. PG-13 version. "You guys only see that on TV" — Craig Mish (@CraigMish) March 16, 2016
There won't be video. I caught the end. Fumbled on the way to periscope. Fail. — Craig Mish (@CraigMish) March 16, 2016
Bonds apparently won an impromptu home run derby during batting practice today and, no, he was not competing against the Marlins' lighter hitters. Bonds, a 51-year-old coach, is said to have beaten Stanton, a 26-year-old outfielder built like a linebacker, and Christian Yelich, a 24-year-old with a career .290 batting average through three seasons.
There are several great stories that emerge from spring training every year, and this might well be one of the best in recent memory. Unfortunately, as is the case for all the best spring training stories, there is no video. The reporter who claimed to witness the home run derby, Craig Mish, said he showed up as it was winding down and could not get Periscope up and running in time.
Mish later confirmed Stanton and Yelich "definitely" participated alongside Miguel Rojas, Jeff Mathis and Chris Johnson. Another reporter, Joe Frisaro, also indicated Stanton and Yelich were taking big swings. Mish said Bonds hit four home runs and exercised his winner's rights by not having to "pick up the balls."
Yelich downplayed the BP session, but also did not deny what happened.
"We keep it under wraps. We weren't having a home run derby," he said. "We were trying to make hard contact and get hits. It turned into who could score the most runs. If you hit a homer, it was a run. He's probably the best hitter who has ever played the game. He talks about hitting a lot. He was able to show it today."
Bartolo Colon was the subject of a spring training story told exclusively with Twitter when he reportedly hit a batting practice home run that broke a tree branch. New York Mets hitting coach Kevin Long confirmed the famously bad hitter's triumph last week.
Coaches and pitchers can participate in the Home Run Derby right? Think it over, MLB.