Destiny April Update 2.2.0 Brings New PvE Content, Taken Guardians

It seems that eager Guardians won't have to wait much longer for the upcoming patch in Bungie's "Destiny" Update 2.2.0. The patch, now titled the "April Update," will coincidentally drop in April - specifically, April 12 and it promises to bring a bunch of new features for players to enjoy.

The news, as well as the date, was announced in "This Week at Bungie" on its website, and as the developer has promised in the past, Update 2.2.0 will bring the greatest amount of content to "Destiny" since the release of "The Taken King" in September 2015.

So what can players expect to find come April? Bungie provided a brief rundown on its website.

- New PVE Challenges
- New and Updated Gear
- New Quest featuring the Blighted Chalice Strike
- Increased Max Light and Rewards
- Sandbox and Crucible Updates
- And more...

What these additions actually entail is anybody's guess however. The promise of "Updated Gear" means two things: armor and weapons earned from the Prison of Elders will be updated to reflect the maximum levels and stats for the current extended year of "Destiny: The Taken King," or, obviously, an entirely new line of gear could be added altogether.

"New PVE Challenges" is equally unclear. The most likely case, and one that "Destiny" players had been begging for, is for the Vault of Glass and Crota's End Raids to become relevant once again. As things stand, players will often complete these raids undermanned - not because of the added challenge mind you, but because it's become increasingly harder to find a full group of people willing to run an obsolete raid.

The real takeaway from this update might not even be the promised content, but the photo that came with it. Bungie included a picture of three guardians that look eerily similar to the Taken that were introduced in the latest expansion in its post. Even more curious is the fact that these Taken Guardians are wearing PoE gear. Will Destiny introduce a shader inspired by the Taken enemies or will you be able to fight some Guardians that were abducted by the Taken King?

These answers and more will be answered in the coming weeks as Bungie hosts a livestream on Twitch each Wednesday leading up to the launch of the latest update. Each stream will feature a different theme, ranging from new earnables to PvP content.

April Update Preview: New Things to Do
Wednesday, March 23 at 11 a.m. Pacific

April Update Preview: New Things to Earn
Wednesday, March 30 at 11 a.m. Pacific

April Update Preview: Sandbox and Crucible Updates
Wednesday, April 6 at 11 a.m. Pacific

Once the promised day comes, the patch will be free of charge unlike the expansion that is slated to come later this fall.

Destiny, Activision