Assassin’s Creed 4 DLC Awaits Release on Dec 17: Gives Away Clues For Next Edition

Finally the wait is over. The next expansion of Assassin's Creed 4 is just a week away, it will be released on December 17. The more exciting news is that the DLC has a whole lot of add-ons with clues for the next edition of the game.

Assassin's Creed 4 by Ubisoft was released on October 29 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and also on the next generation consoles, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The DLC, Freedom Cry, returns 15 years after the AC4 featuring first-mate-turned assassin, Adéwalé, and a few of the earlier characters from AC4 also return for some of the levels. The DLC will include a special appearance of Edward, the main character of AC 4.

"This is primarily an Adéwalé story - Edward isn't present - but we do shoot a couple of lines back and forth with him reminiscing about his past," said Wesley Pincombe, the creative director of Ubisoft, responsible for developing the expansion of the game, reports Eurogamer.

Pincombe also confirmed that the DLC will not arrive with any kind of fantasy elements, and the much requested addition of a kraken in the game will unfortunately not be met.

"I'm going to have to disappoint some people - no, we didn't put the kraken in. I'll even say it was part of our conception at one point. We were going to do some fantasy missions to do with piracy and the Caribbean at one point but we changed our direction in conception," said Picombe in a statement.

Besides the new characters, the DLC will also include new settings or rather in-game areas. The addition of the new game areas is in response to the AC3 DLC, Tyranny of King Washington, which featured an alternative world for pirates.

"You're going to a new setting with new crowd life. New enemies, new AI. Port-au-Prince is a French colony - there are no French colonies in Black Flag so that is all new," Pincombe said in a statement. "In King Washington we revisited locations - we changed the themes and settings - but we wanted to push it further,"

As far as Freedom Cry bringing over hints about the next Assassin's Creed game is concerned, Pincombe teased: "There are some [hints] but our fans will only discover them in the future," and although these hints will be out there in the game, "but you'd have to be a hardcore fan to understand them."

Hopefully, we will get to see an Egyptian back drop in the next edition of Assassin's Creed series, as mentioned by Ashraf Ismail, the director of AC 4, to The Examiner.

Assassins, Creed, 4, DLC, Next, Edition, Fantasy, Location, Character