Hostages CBS: Will Nina Convince Duncan To Quit His Operation?; Questions from 'The Cost of Living'

Ellen may be changing her mind, Vanessa is betraying the Colonel and Sandrine's two-timing has been discovered. Here are my questions after "The Cost of Living":

No. 1-Has Brian finally pushed the right button?

Brian has failed time and time again to thwart Duncan's plans. However, he finally came up with a good plan - speak to Duncan's wife. At the end of the episode we get to see Nina confront her husband about his questionable acts to save her life. Will Nina get her husband to change his mind?

No. 2-Exactly how many people will be betrayed before the season ends?

From top to bottom of the organization that was designed to kill the president, there has been betrayal. The latest of this betrayal comes from Vanessa. It appeared she and Col. Thomas Blair were both lovers and partners at the top of this organization. However, she tricked Blair and now he is in the Vice President's crosshairs. Who will be the next victim of betrayal?

No. 3-How is Duncan going to deal with Sandrine?

Sandrine's work for Logan has been discovered. Will Duncan punish her? Or will they figure out a way to turn her against Col. Blair and Vanessa?

No. 4-Just how badly will Ellen's change of heart go over with Duncan?

After saving a man who caused someone's death, Ellen decided she cannot act as judge and jury -- meaning she won't kill the president no matter what he's done. How will Duncan take this news? Or will Ellen attempt to secretly save the president?

No. 5-Will the Ellen/Duncan weirdness continue?

After the kiss the relationship between Ellen and Duncan has gotten a little strange. Is this something they will explore further? Was the kiss a one-time thing? Or possibly a plot by Duncan?

"Hostages" airs Mondays at 10/9c on CBS.

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