Aerie Launches Body-Positive Underwear Campaign For Men [VIDEOS]

Aerie made history in 2014 when it launched its Aerie Real campaign and started using models of all body types. The line even stopped re-touching its photos, and it made a huge statement in the fashion industry. Now, the popular lingerie brand has launched a men's underwear line with the same body-positive concept.

The #AerieMAN campaign uses four diverse men to prove that men should always be comfortable with their bodies and that they too can be sexy in all shapes and sizes. Men typically aren't used to promote body-positivity, which is what makes this campaign so groundbreaking. In the campaign video, the four men - Devon, Doug, Matthew and Kelvin - talk about feeling comfortable in their bodies while using the slogan "The real you is sexy."

"I don't mind that I won't be re-touched. I feel that everyone should be comfortable in their own skin," Matthew says in the video. "Confidence is definitely a big thing for me with meeting anyone. If you're confident within yourself and you're happy, then that's what's going to come off as beautiful to other people, not what you look like."

The other men go on to explain what it's like being a part of Aerie Men and the message this video is trying to get across. The video also features one of Aerie's most popular female models, Iskra Lawrence.

"This message is going to help guys feel more comfortable in their own skin," Kelvin said about the campaign. "It's important for everyone to feel beautiful and confident. The #AerieMan is unretouched and embraces his physical perfect imperfections as all men should. Guys hopefully will be more confident and extend that confidence to fellow men! After all, the real you is sexy!"

 INTRODUCING...#AerieMAN You know you’re curious. Get up close and personal with the guys behind our latest campaign...

A photo posted by American Eagle (@americaneagle) on Mar 23, 2016 at 1:28pm PDT

This exciting news comes just a week after IMG Models signed Zach Miko as its first plus-size male model to represent its "brawn division." Miko had been modeling for brands like Target and Massimo Supply Co. and quickly became a favorite for those brands looking to show that men with big bodies can still look stylish and fashionable. IMG signed him as one of its models to promote body positivity for men.

"The body positive messaging and size diversity is something that's relevant and something that continues to be on everybody's mind," said Ivan Bart, the president of IMG Models. "We have to extend the conversation for men."

Watch each of the Aerie Men confidently introduce themselves below!

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