Elian Gonzalez Leaves Cuba? 20-Year-Old Visits Ecuador; Slams U.S. Government For 'Unjust' Embargo

Elian Gonzalez traveled to Ecuador on Tuesday for a youth conference, and spoke to CNN about his international custody battle.

Gonzalez, 20, first made headlines when he was 6-years-old; he was found on an inner tub while attempting to defect from Cuba with his mother. Gonzalez's mother and nine others died after their boat sank during their trip to the United States.

He was placed into the custody of his relatives in Miami, Fla., but the U.S. government sent him back to Cuba in 2000. During his interview with CNN, Gonzalez slammed the U.S. embargo against Cuba, claiming it is the reason many have lost their lives.

"Just like her, many others have died attempting to go to the United States. But it's the U.S. government's fault. Their unjust embargo provokes an internal and critical economic situation in Cuba," Gonzalez said.

"But, despite that, Cuba, even with all its problems has progressed over the years. The progress we've made is all thanks to Cuba's courage, our dignity, our continued fight for a more just model," he added.

Despite being taken at gunpoint from his relatives in Miami, Gonzalez told CNN he hasn't experienced any psychological damage from what many deemed a traumatic experience.

"I haven't suffered any consequences because of what happened. It has not affected me psychologically, but it has been hard for my family," Gonzalez said. "Those were tough times."

When Gonzalez returned to Cuba, he was greeted with open arms by then-leader Fidel Castro. Gonzalez spoke highly of the former dictator to the Associated Press.

"He always came for my birthday. I always looked forward to that moment," Gonzalez said. "I'm a person of few words (and) I clammed up when he was there, but it was enough to see him and give him that hug."

"I always remember what he told me: That I was already somebody, that the whole world knew who I was, and now what I had to do was be good at something, that's what he asked of me," Gonzalez added. "He never cared which path I took ... the intention was that I be good at whatever I did."

Gonzalez is reportedly attending the Camilo Cienfuegos University of Matanzas, majoring in industrial engineering.

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