Firehouse 51 is saved, Casey's life hangs in the balance and Jeff may soon be arrested for murder. Here are my questions from "Not Like This".
No. 1-Did Jeff's wife kill her ex?
I'm really hoping Jeff didn't commit murder because, he was fitting in nicely with the group. My guess is his wife's ex came over to collect her money and she shot him with Jeff's .45. I'm also hoping Jeff doesn't feel the need to go to prison for his wife.
No. 2-Where does the episode's final events leave Dawson and Casey?
Although the episode started out quite nice for the couple - holding hands as they walked to work - things soon turned sour when Dawson told Casey she was strongly considering the Fire Academy. The tension grew between the couple when she - at the behest of Shay - announced to everyone her news about the Fire Academy. Any tension between the two disappeared after Casey almost died in the apartment fire attempting to save a baby. Will they revisit the discussion once Casey is out of surgery? (I can't imagine he'd be killed off the show.) Hermann had some pretty strong (and negative) opinions about women firefighters. Will he ever be okay if Dawson becomes a firefighter?
No. 3-Have we seen the last of McLeod?
The way in which Mills got the Senator to dispose of McLeod -- and the way in which Isabella, Mill's girlfriend, carried out that disposal -- was quite humiliating for McCleod. Will she exact revenge on Chief Boden and Firehouse 51?
No. 4-What was your favorite moment from the midseason finale?
There were many touching moments in last night's episode - ranging from the little boy's petition to the demonstration outside of Firehouse 51. Share your favorite moment below.
"Chicago Fire" airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.