Texas Football Rumors: Nick Saban, Urban Meyer & Steelers’ Mike Tomlin Targeted As Replacements For Coach Mack Brown

The Texas Longhorns are reportedly already eying a list of possible replacements for current coach Mack Brown. The list includes Alabama's Nick Saban, Ohio State's Urban Meyer and Pittsburgh Steelers' Mike Tomlin, according to OrangeBlood.com's Chip Brown.

"I'm sure Texas hopes there's a chance there. I think there's no question Texas is going to aim high here," Chip said Wednesday on Fox Sports Live, via CBS Sports. "I've been told they're going to aim for a coach that's won a national championship or a Super Bowl. And I think Nick Saban's at the top of the list. I think Urban Meyer would probably be second. I've heard maybe Mike Tomlin could be approached in this.

"I think you have to look at guys like David Shaw - even though he hasn't won a national title - and Jim Harbaugh. Both had success at Stanford and school president Bill Powers is a Cal graduate and wants Texas to be seen in the same light as Cal and Stanford."

Chip was the first to report Coach Brown would be stepping down by the end of the week, although the impending resignation hasn't been officially confirmed by school officials.

"Mack Brown loves Texas and wants what's in the best interest of Texas and what's in the best interest of Mack Brown," one high-level source told OrangeBloods on Tuesday. "I don't think it's been an easy decision. But he doesn't want negativity around the program he helped unify."

The Associated Press reported in September that Texas Regent Tom Hicks contacted Coach Brown to gauge his interest in possibly retiring before 2020, when the coach's contract expires; he wasn't interested.

The Associated Press also reported a conversation between a Longhorns official and Saban's agent, Jimmy Sexton, about the Texas coaching job. When asked, Saban denied having any knowledge of the discussion and insisted he's too old to start over at a new school.

Powers denied ever speaking with Saban.

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