Just a Taste of Beer Could Be Enough to Release Pleasure Chemical Dopamine

A study has found that the mere taste of bear may trigger the brain to release dopamine, according to LiveScience.com.

Researchers took a group of men and had them taste beer during brain scams. After the men tasted the beer, their brains displayed a release of dopamine, the chemical associated with pleasure. The release of dopamine is usually aligned with addiction.

The study found men who had a history of alcoholism showed higher dopamine levels.

Although scientists admit the finding is no way shocking, they believe having a possible way to pre-determine alcoholism could be an asset.

David Kareken, a neuroscientist at Indiana University School of Medicine and the leader of the study, issued a statement about the findings.

"We believe this is the first experiment in humans to show that the taste of an alcoholic drink alone, without any intoxicating effect from the alcohol, can elicit this dopamine activity in the brain's reward centers," he said.

The study included 49 male volunteers. Each were given a half an ounce of their favorite beer over the course of 15 minutes. Using this method, there would be no change in blood-alcohol level. They were also given sports drinks and water in an effort to draw comparisons. The report showed stronger craving for beer after drinking, compared to sports drinks or water.

Researchers saw a huge increase in the release of dopamine after the beer was drank by those with a family history of alcoholism. This may be a way to determine future addiction to alcohol.

"This paper demonstrates that taste alone impacts on the brain functions associated with desire," Peter Anderson, a professor at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom who studies substance use, policy and practice, said in a statement. "With regard to the family history effect, this is quite difficult to assess and know what it means so we can't be too sure of an effect or how strong it might be."

Anderson said the effects of alcohol on the brain during the experiment, could not be totally excluded.

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