Amber Rose might be getting slammed for her new emoji app, but MuvaMoji has only be available for about 24 hours and it's already made her millions.
When the 32-year-old model released her MuvaMoji on Thurday, she immediately got backlash from several people on social media saying that she copied Kim Kardashian's app Kimoji. Given the history that these two have, it seemed strange that the apps had multiple similarities, but Rose has been supporting Kardashian recently and doesn't see it this way. Plus, given the amount of money she's already brought in, and the fact that both apps are top sellers in the App Store, Rose doesn't seem to care.
Sources close to Rose have said that she's made $4 million off the app already. When she first started working with the app developer, she got a huge check just for signing, and then once it was released, it raked in over $2 million on the first day alone.
While some of the emojis look like replicates to Kardashian's emojis, Rose apparently stands true to her word that she did not imitate or copy the reality star. She's "confident" that MuvaMoji reflects her own personality, and she can't help that it looks similar to Kimoji.
#1 in the App Store #MuvaMoji available on Android too Muvamoji is one word when u search
A photo posted by Amber Rose (@amberrose) on Mar 31, 2016 at 12:33am PDT
"I'm so excited to finally launch my own emoji app!" Rose said on Thursday. "After months and months of work it's finally ready for the world to see. I wanted to include enough content to appeal to everyone; not just my fans. The Moji team and I have come up with over 900 icons we are initially launching with and plan to update it regularly by adding more content each week."
Since Kardashian is now married to Kanye West, who Rose used to date, the two did have some beef at one point, but they recently squashed that beef after West, Rose and her ex-husband Wiz Khalifa were involved in a Twitter feud. Rose even showed her support for Kardashian earlier this month when she released a nude photo that brought in a lot of slut-shaming.
"The thing is, me and Kim will probably-I won't say we'll never be friends, but we accept each other for who we are, and that's the most important thing for women," Rose said of defending Kardashian's naked photo. "I don't get along with her husband-I don't think we'll ever be the best of friends-but it's good that we understand who we both are, got all that shit out on the table, and can just move on with our lives knowing that the Internet is mostly what gave us the beef we had. We didn't naturally have any beef with each other, the Internet just naturally instigated everything. So we got it all out and it's all good now."