Nick Jonas Reveals Why He Wore A Purity Ring As A Teenager In Reddit AMA

Nick Jonas got real on Thursday when he participated in a Reddit AMAs (Ask Me Anything). The pop star answered a ton of different fan questions about Miley Cyrus, Jaz Z and most interestingly, the purity ring he wore throughout his teenage years as a Disney star and a member of the Jonas Brothers, the band he was in with her older brothers, Kevin and Joe Jonas.

Jonas did not shy away when one fan specifically asked him about an infamous 2009 episode of "South Park" that poked fun at the three Jonas brothers for being abstinent. The singer said that he was not too amused with the episode, which depicted cartoon versions of the brothers being beat up by Mickey Mouse.

"When it first came out I didn't think it was funny to be honest, but probably because I was actually living all of that in real time and so it just made it harder to come and live your life as a young person and have all that going on," Jonas wrote. "But years later and once the purity rings were no longer around, it was very funny to me and I've actually watched the episode a few times."

Jonas continued and said that he came from a very religious background and his father was a pastor. The 23-year-old said that his family was looked up to in the church and "much like The First Family or people in front of the public eye, we were highly scrutinized as a family." While the singer knew abstaining from sex came with the territory, he did not fully understand what he was getting himself into when he made the commitment to wear the purity ring.

As he got older, Jonas revealed that he "started making my own choices, fell in love with somebody, made the choice to have sex with them, and from that point on it was about me being a man and being okay with my choices. And then it related to my art and people's view of me and the public eye."

Jonas also briefly discussed his first crush, Miley Cyrus. He said that it had been a while since he talked to the new coach on "The Voice," but that she is living proof that you can continue to evolve as an artist and a creator. The pop star also revealed that Jay Z was the one who helped him pick out the title of his upcoming album, "Last Year Was Complicated."

Nick Jonas, Jonas Brothers, South park
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