The family of the woman who accused Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston of rape is set to hold a news conference on Friday at 10 a.m. ET. Watch the live stream HERE.
The accuser, a FSU student who has since left the school, reported a sexual assault to police hours after the alleged incident occurred on Dec. 7, 2012. A month later she identified Winston as her assailant, and a DNA test later linked Winston to a DNA sample found in the accuser's underwear.
After almost a year later, State Attorney Willie Meggs announced on Dec. 5 that no charges would be filed against Winston. Meggs characterized the incident as a "one night stand" and cited a lack of evidence in his decision not to pursue criminal charges against the standout quarterback.
"We came to the decision that it was not a case that we could bring forward, because we would not have the burden of proof, the probable cause, and the reasonable likelihood of conviction," Meggs said during a news conference, via WCTV.
Three things may be addressed in the family's news conference on Friday. First, more details may emerge from the family about the night of the alleged incident. Second, the family may address the Tallahassee Police Department's initial investigation, which they criticized for taking almost a year to be brought to the state attorney. Third, Meggs' demeanor during his news conference, which some saw as cavalier and improper given the circumstances, is likely to be commented on.
The family could also announce whether they intend to file a civil lawsuit.
Winston, a redshirt freshman and Heisman Trophy candidate, has maintained the sexual intercourse was consensual.