‘Rogue One’: Is Felicity Jones Rey’s Mom in 'Star Wars?'

Coming out of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," the biggest question most fans had was the mysterious parentage of Daisy Ridley's Rey. Her origins were deliberately left ambiguous, causing audiences to come up with all sorts of theories. Is she the brother of Kylo Ren, making her Han Solo and Leia's daughter? Is she a relative of Obi-Wan Kenobi? Did Luke Skywalker father a daughter off-screen?

This week comes a new theory making the rounds following the release of the first teaser trailer for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." Fans can't help but notice that Felicity Jones' Jyn Erso looks an awful lot like Rey.

Is it possible? Let's do the math.

According to the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary," Rey was born roughly 11 years after the Battle of Endor. We know that "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" takes place four years after "A New Hope." That means that Rey's birth likely occurred around 15 years after the events of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."

We don't yet know how old Jyn Erso is in the movie, but we do know that Felicity Jones is 32. We also know that Rey is a few years younger than Daisy Ridley's 23 years. Even if the character of Jyn is in her 20s, that puts her in the early to mid-40s as possible candidate to be Rey's mother. That makes it a bit more unlikely, but not impossible. Perhaps there is better prenatal care in a galaxy far, far away.

One point that fans have mentioned when discounting this theory is that Jyn may not be Force sensitive as "Rogue One" will be a more grounded sci-fi film without Jedi (though there have been whispers of a Darth Vader cameo). This doesn't exclude her from being Rey's mother, but as we saw in "The Force Awakens," Rey is unnaturally skilled in the ways of the Force. Typically, a bloodline of Force users would precede that, as we've seen with the Skywalkers.

What do you think, "Star Wars" fans? Is Felicity Jones' character Rey's mother? Let us know in the comments section below.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will hit theaters on Dec. 15, 2016.

Follow Brandon Katz at @Great_Katzby

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Felicity Jones, Daisy ridley