Google Acquires Boston Dynamics For Its Robotics Initiative Led By Former Android Head

After silently acquiring seven different robot companies and hiring some robotics masters, Google has acquired another firm, Boston Dynamics, for its robotics initiative led by ex-Android head Andy Rubin.

The 2004 American dystopian science fiction film by Alez Proyas, "I, Robot," may be getting some real-life touches, courtesy of Google's astonishing interest in the most unique and innovative technologies. The future of robots is being outlined as the Internet giant has secretly been acquiring the top robotics firm to pursue its love of real robots. Google announced Friday that it has successfully acquired Boston Dynamics, the engineering tech company that designed research robots for the Pentagon, according to the New York Times.

BigDog, Cheetah, WildCat and Atlas ring any bells? These are all the names of hi-tech smart robots with "uncanny sense of balance" and cheetah-like speed developed by the Massachusetts-based engineering company.

The latest acquisition deal comes just days after Google made headlines for taking over seven robotics firms for its new project led by former Android boss, Andy Rubin. He is the man who made Android so successful that it outnumbers Apple's iOS mobile platform by acquiring 70 percent of the smartphone market share. Rubin's presence is the silver lining in Google's mysterious project.

Google declined to reveal any financial details of the Boston Dynamics deal. In fact, the company is secretive about all of its recent acquisition.

Boston Dynamics has shared the first videos of their robot models with all users around the world. The videos show the capabilities of the robots. The BigDog video shows how the four-legged robot smartly balances itself as it climbs hills, travels through snow and also manages to stay upright after a well-placed human kick. All the robots, including Cheetah, WildCat and Atlas can balance and sense objects in the way and can smartly tackle them.

Rubin also shared his excitement on Twitter by linking The Times article on the robots in a tweet.

The future is looking awesome!

- Andy Rubin (@Arubin) December 14, 2013

The links below will redirect you to the videos by Boston Dynamics, showing the incredible skills of each robot.

Click here to watch BigDog in action.
Click here to watch Cheetah in action.,
Click here to watch WildCat in action,
Finally click here to watch Atlas.

Google, Acquires, Boston, Robotics, Led, Former, Android, Head