Sophie Turner Explains The Time She Licked Lifelike Tyrion Lannister Mask At Comic Con [VIDEOS]

The North will never forget the time Sansa Stark licked the face of Tyrion Lannister.

Last summer at Comic-Con, actress Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa on HBO's "Game of Thrones," was photographed licking an extremely lifelike mask of Peter Dinklage's character Tyrion, and the picture went completely viral. Before the sixth season of the show premieres, Turner stopped by Conan O'Brien's talk show "Conan" and explained the story behind the picture.

Speaking to the host, it was revealed that Turner ran into a fan at Comic-Con who was carrying the mask, but the actress did not remember all the details from the day.

"Listen, I don't remember a huge amount of this night. It's Comic-Con," she told O'Brien on Monday night. "You know how it is."

The 20-year-old actress said that a fan "supposedly" came up to her in the Tyrion mask, and "being the loyal wife that I am, I just gave him a quick lick." (At the time, Sansa and Tyrion were married on the show.)

Because the mask was so lifelike, many people thought Turner was actually licking the face of Dinklage, a rumor that the actress cleared up once and for all.

"Yeah, a lot of people thought it was Peter. I'm not going to do anything to dispel those rumors, Peter's a sexy guy," Turner joked to O'Brien. "But he has a wife, so I don't think he'd be too pleased with a lick in the face."

Later in her interview with O'Brien, the actress talked about all the opportunities that have been presented to her due to the success of "Game of Thrones," like when she got to attend the SAG awards where she creeped on Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell.

Turner said that during the awards show, the cast of "Game of Thrones" was seated near the cast of "The Big Short," which Gosling and Carell co-starred in together. The actress said that Carell was the closest person to her, and being a huge fan of his movie "Anchorman," it was a pretty big deal to her. Turner then said that during the show to try and get the actor's attention, she quoted lines from the film hoping that would make Carell turn around, but it did not. On the night of the SAGs the actress even managed to get a picture with her and Gosling - who had no clue he was even being photographed.

"Game of Thrones" returns to HBO for season six on April 24.

A photo posted by Sophie Turner (@sophiet) on Jan 30, 2016 at 9:15pm PST

Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones, Conan O'Brien, Sansa Stark, Peter Dinklage