'22 Jump Street' Official Red Band Trailer Released (WATCH)

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are back as an undercover duo in "22 Jump Street," the sequel to 2012's blockbuster comedy "21 Jump Street," and instead of posing as high schoolers, they'll be pretending to be in college, CBS News reports.

It's the next likely step for a sequel, and as the movies are totally self-deprecating and totally metaphysical, it doesn't matter anyway. Nick Offerman of "Parks and Recreation" fame is back playing Deputy Chief Hardy, informing Tatum and Hill's characters Jenko and Schmidt that the department has invested a lot of money to keep the Jump Street operation going, so they'll be once again put into tons of hilariously awful and awkward situations, only this time, things will be even raunchier as they're be in college searching for illegal drugs.

Also back for a cameo is Dave Franco, who played drug dealer Eric in the original film, only this time he's in prison, Ice Cube, and Rob Riggle, whose character claims that he's now Eric's "b***h."

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