‘Star Wars Episode 8’ Spoilers: ‘The Force Awakens’ Sequel Has Three Rumored Titles

May the Fourth be with you today on "Star Wars" day! But beyond well wishes, we have a new juicy rumor concerning "Star Wars: Episode VIII" for all you fans.

Ever since Rian Johnson's sequel to "The Force Awakens" started filming in February, fans have been wondering about the title of this highly anticipated follow up. A few possibilities have surfaced in the last few months, though none have been confirmed. Today, we've got a batch of new rumored titles that may or may not end up on the final product.

Warning: the following contains possible spoilers for "Star Wars: Episode VIII."

The first comes from a Reddit user claiming to have inside knowledge from the set of the film. Is it true? Who knows, but we must admit that we kind of like this title. The Redditer says Lucasfilm has landed on "Star Wars: Echoes of the Dark Side," which hearkens back to "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back." The new title has the same structure and pop as the iconic "Star Wars" sequel and lays the ground work for the film.

The other title is a bit more complex and mysterious. "Star Wars: The Tale of the Jedi Temple" suggests an exploration of the past, perhaps even Luke Skywalker's attempts to breathe new life into the Jedi Order. However, it comes off as a bit bland and long-winded. From a narrative perspective, it makes sense, though it does contradict the darker tone of "The Empire Strikes Back."

The third rumored title seems to be the most popular. "Star Wars: The Order of the Dark Side" conjures up all of the necessary imagery needed to combat the light showcased in "The Force Awakens." It has a clear connection to "The Empire Strikes Back" and also references Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke and The First Order as a whole. With so little known about The First Order and our new antagonists, Johnson should take this opportunity to provide some backstory for curious fans. "The Order of the Dark Side' hints that he'll do just that.

Again, all of these titles are nothing more than rumors at this point, but they seem to point in the right direction for the most part.

"Star Wars: episode VIII" will hit theaters on Dec. 17, 2017.

Follow Brandon Katz at @Great_Katzby

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rian Johnson, LucasFilm