'Pokémon Sun' & 'Moon': CoroCoro Disappoints In May, Promises 'Exclusive Scoop' In June

Pokémon fans around the world are still clamoring about the Pokémon Company's Tuesday announcement, which revealed "Sun" & "Moon's" gameplay, three starters, region, release date and more. Hopefully, that information will keep them satiated for awhile, as unless there's a surprise reveal or a leak somewhere, nothing new will likely be coming this month.

In leaked images from CoroCoro's May Issue, instead of the new information that was promised in April's issue, the magazine revealed that there would be an exclusive scoop on "Sun" and "Moon" coming in June.

This marks the second month in a row that CorCoro dared to announce that it would have official news concerning the game, only to come up short.

In March, CoroCoro announced that it would have a special feature about "Sun" and "Moon" starting from April's issue.

April's issue came as expected, but no new information came that was promised. Instead, it turned out to be somewhat of a hoax, only confirming Magearna's typing to be Steel and Fairy (which was fairly obvious from the get-go), teasing the box art and promising that more information would be coming in May.

Now, May has come, and there is no new information yet again. Presumably, the information that was promised in last month's issue was likely the May 10 trailer. While the reveal was substantial, that alone doesn't amount to the promised "feature," especially when Pokémon composer and producer Junichi Masuda himself announced that it would be coming a week in advance.

So what information did come in May's issue? The leaked scans revealed a new image for the upcoming "Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna," as well as clips from the movie. Furthermore, the May issue promised an "exclusive scoop" that will be coming in June.

Interestingly, despite the lack of any new information to add to the "Sun" and "Moon" hype, CoroCoro has officially dubbed itself the "Pokémon main source" for news.

So what can we expect once the June issue of CoroCoro arrives? The names and details surrounding the new legendary Pokémon are the strongest contenders. Thus far, we have a giant lion and giant bat, which trademarks deem as "Solgaleo" and "Lunaala," respectively. There's also the mystery surrounding an alleged third legendary named "Marshadow," but it's highly doubtful that we'll hear anything about it until Solgaleo and Lunaala get an official introduction.

Of course, that theory hinges heavily on CoroCoro actually having something of worth related to "Sun" and "Moon," so we'll just have to wait and see. CoroCoro has a fairly poor track record thus far, but June's "exclusive scoop" will hopefully change that.

Pokemon, The Pokemon Company