PissPad Lets You Control Games With Your Pee [VIDEO]

You know that feeling when you get so absorbed into a game that you don't want to eat or even use the bathroom? That sensation may soon become a thing of the past thanks to the PissPad, a pad that lets you control games with your pee.

Sounds legit.

This miraculous device isn't out on the market just yet. There's a kickstarter seeking to turn hundreds of backers' hopeful investments into reality, but it has so far raised $599 of the $39,580 goal, so it's quite a ways off.

"PissPadTM is a patent-pending Human Interface Device that controls a computer connected via BlueTooth," the kickstarter page reads. "It is capable of detecting 1000 measuring points, so that relieving oneself on the device sends coordinates to a smartphone or a wall mounted tablet. This turns the call of nature into fun and interactive competition on connected devices as long as the 'ammunition' holds out!"

The PissPad is more of a controller than an actual game and requires two components to work: the PissPad itself and the display. The display, obviously, is where all the games can be seen, and it comes in two variants: a wall-mounted display, which is really just a tablet with a frame, and a smartphone.

Both displays will make use of the PissPad App, which contains all of the games that people can play when peeing. The wall-mounted display comes with it automatically, while those with a smartphone will need to download the accompanying PissPad App (available for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile - Cordova/Crosswalk).

Since the prime appeal of this device is being able to control a game with your urine, there's no hands involved whatsoever. With that in mind, game selection is automatically activated through Near Field Communication (NFC). This comes automatically with the stock display, while those who choose to use a smartphone as a display will need to hope that their device is compatible.

PissPad also supports multiplayer and even has three different leaderboards - one for the current game session, one for the current location and a global one. Locations with working Wi-Fi can access all the different multiplayer by default, while those without it will need to pay extra for a "Multiplayer Box."

Those interested in getting a chance to play while they pee should head over to Kickstarter, where they'll receive unique perks. To start, those who pledge early will get the PissPad w/Smartphone Holder for $78 and PissPad w/Wall-Mounted Display for $225, as opposed to the standard $89 and $282 prices, respectively. There are a bunch of other perks to pledging, such as reserving your name for multiplayer and the ability to personalize text messages before each game.

If everything goes as planned, PissPad is expected to start shipping in March 2017.

Check out the official site here.

Urine, Bathroom
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