Rob Ford Answers 'Women Love Money' When Asked About His Wife's Christmas Gift

When a D.C. sports radio show asked infamous Toronto Mayor Rob Ford what he was getting his wife for Christmas, he answered "just money, women love money," according to CBC News.

Ford made the comment on Thursday during a phone conversation with Eric Bickel and John-Paul Flaim, hosts of 106.7's The Fan.

"Just money. Women love money. Give them a couple of thousand bucks and they're happy. Get some treats on the side obviously for her," he said. "At the end of the day, she wants her cash. So I give her a nice cheque and we're all happy."

When the show hosts asked him what he hoped to receive from his wife, Renata, he wasn't as suggestive.

"She always surprises me. I have a fantastic wife," Ford responded.

Though his remark is clearly controversial, this is not the first moment where Ford's words have gotten him in trouble with women. In April, before his career was filled with drug scandals, he offered to "explain how politics works" to women on his former radio show.

Last month, he issued a public apology after he said he had "more than enough to eat at home" in response to a reporter's question about oral sex.

Additionally, he stated on the same radio show that women pick their favorite football teams based off of the player's attractiveness.

"They just look to who's the cutest guy ... that's how they pick 'em," Ford said.

Aside from his comments on women, Ford was dealing with potential legal battles from Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale, whom the mayor publically insinuated may be a pedophile.

On Wednesday night, Ford apologized in an open letter to Dale.

"There was absolutely no basis for the statement I made about Mr. Dale taking pictures of children, or for any insinuations I made. I should not have said what I did and I wholly retract my statements and apologize to Mr. Dale without reservation," the mayor said.

Dale, who filed a libel notice last week, announced on Twitter that he accepted Ford's apology and would not go through with legal action.